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probably from:
The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas
Wednesday, August 16, 1950
Mrs. Mary Catherine Criswell, age 78, died at her home, 301 Craik street in Marlin, at 1:15 a.m. Tuesday, August 15, 1950. She had been in ill health for some time and was a bed patient for the past four years.
The deceased was widely known in this section and a member of a prominent Falls county family. She was born in the Criswell community, February 8, 1872. She was formerly Miss Mary Catherine Durham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thomas Durham. She was the widow of the late T. L. (Whit) Criswell, a well known Falls county farmer in the Odds section. Mr. Criswell died in 1934. Mrs. Criswell spent her earlier life in the Criswell and Odds communities and the family moved to Marlin in 1916.
Mrs. Criswell's father donated and deeded the land to the Criswell community that is stipulated to be used for the purposes of a school, church and burial grounds. This transfer was dated June 4, 1886.
Funeral services at 10 a.m. Wednesday from the First Baptist Church.
Rev. W. O. Wright officiating. Burial in the Criswell cemetery.
Surviving the deceased are one son Marcus Criswell, Marlin. Five daughters, Mrs. Bessie Erskine, Thornton; Mrs. Mary Louise Bresenhan, Austin; Mrs. Marie Jacobs, Ranger; Mrs. Blanche Saxon and Mrs. Myrtle Moore, Marlin. Three sisters, Mrs. Ida Berry, Marlin; Mrs. Clara Swicord, Temple, and Mrs. Amy Boyd, Dallas. Also 12 grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.
In accord with the late Mrs. Criswell's wishes, members of the Board of Deacons of the First Baptist Church where she was a member were named as active pallbearers as follows, Rice Bratton, W. H. Byrd, Wayne Graves, Marvin Hayes, E.A. Rogers, W. T. Goode, Dr. J. I. Collier and Dr. Frank McKinley, Jr.
The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas
Wednesday, August 16, 1950
Mrs. Mary Catherine Criswell, age 78, died at her home, 301 Craik street in Marlin, at 1:15 a.m. Tuesday, August 15, 1950. She had been in ill health for some time and was a bed patient for the past four years.
The deceased was widely known in this section and a member of a prominent Falls county family. She was born in the Criswell community, February 8, 1872. She was formerly Miss Mary Catherine Durham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thomas Durham. She was the widow of the late T. L. (Whit) Criswell, a well known Falls county farmer in the Odds section. Mr. Criswell died in 1934. Mrs. Criswell spent her earlier life in the Criswell and Odds communities and the family moved to Marlin in 1916.
Mrs. Criswell's father donated and deeded the land to the Criswell community that is stipulated to be used for the purposes of a school, church and burial grounds. This transfer was dated June 4, 1886.
Funeral services at 10 a.m. Wednesday from the First Baptist Church.
Rev. W. O. Wright officiating. Burial in the Criswell cemetery.
Surviving the deceased are one son Marcus Criswell, Marlin. Five daughters, Mrs. Bessie Erskine, Thornton; Mrs. Mary Louise Bresenhan, Austin; Mrs. Marie Jacobs, Ranger; Mrs. Blanche Saxon and Mrs. Myrtle Moore, Marlin. Three sisters, Mrs. Ida Berry, Marlin; Mrs. Clara Swicord, Temple, and Mrs. Amy Boyd, Dallas. Also 12 grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.
In accord with the late Mrs. Criswell's wishes, members of the Board of Deacons of the First Baptist Church where she was a member were named as active pallbearers as follows, Rice Bratton, W. H. Byrd, Wayne Graves, Marvin Hayes, E.A. Rogers, W. T. Goode, Dr. J. I. Collier and Dr. Frank McKinley, Jr.