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The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas
Tuesday, November 13, 1934
Well Known Resident of Marlin Claimed by Death
Deceased Long Identified With Development of This Section of Texas
T. L. (“Whit”) Criswell, well known resident of Marlin, died at his home, 223 Craik street, at 7:20 o’clock Tuesday morning.
Deceased was a member of a family long identified with the development of this section of Texas.
Mr. Criswell’s last illness was of about two weeks’ duration, his condition becoming acute Monday.
Funeral services were announced for two p.m. Wednesday at the First Baptist church of Marlin with last rites in charge of Rev. S. D. Dollahite, the pastor and Rev. I. H. Willingham, Baptist minister and a friend of 67 years. Burial will be in the Criswell cemetery.
Pall bearers are Ed McCauley, Cleburne; Leonard Thomas, Alice; Jess Turner, Copperas Cove; O. L. McKinley, Odds; J. C. Holloway and Ben Freeman, Marlin.
Thomas Leroy Criswell was born January 18, 1864, in the Criswell community of Falls county, in which vicinity he lived practically his entire life until 1916 when he moved to Marlin. He joined the Baptist church at Odds in 1908.
A son of the late William and Polly Ann Evans Criswell, deceased was the last of a family of 13 children.
He was engaged in farming and stock raising pursuits over a long period of years and through his enterprise and energy had attained a position of leadership in these industries. Of quiet demeanor and kindly bearing, he had gained and held the esteem of many friends.
In 1889, he was married to Mary Catherine Durham. To this union were born 10 children, seven of whom survive, five daughters and two sons. They are Mrs. Clinton Erskine of Odds, Mrs. Wyatt Jacobs of Cisco, Mrs. Jay Saxon of McClanahan; Misses Myrtle and Mary Louise Criswell of Marlin; Ellsberry Criswell of Odds and Marcus Criswell of Marlin.
The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas
Wednesday, November 14, 1934
Funeral Services Held for Resident of Marlin
Last Rites Conducted at Baptist Church With Burial in Criswell Cemetery
Funeral services for T. L. Criswell, who died at his home in Marlin early Tuesday, were held at two p.m. Wednesday.
Last rites were conducted at the First Baptist Church of Marlin by Rev. S. D. Dollahite, the pastor, and Rev. I. H. Willingham, Falls county Baptist missionary. Burial was in Criswell cemetery.
Relatives and friends from a wide area assembled in Marlin on learning of the death of Mr. Criswell, to look for the last time on the face of their friend whom many had known from early childhood.
The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas
Thursday, November 15, 1934
Funeral Attended by Many From Out of Town
Many out of town relatives and friends attended funeral services Wednesday afternoon for T. L. Criswell who died at his home in Marlin Tuesday. Those here for the last rites included:
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Durham, Mrs. S. J. Boyd, Mrs. J. P. Durham, Dallas; Mrs. Ida Berry, Terrell; Mrs. J. D. Swicord, Evant; Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Jacobs, Marian Jacobs, Cisco; Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Jacobs, Rising Star; Bill Chisum, Whitesboro; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Turner, Copperas Cove; Mrs. Gladys Etter, Mr. and Mrs. Marreo Cross, Waco; Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Moon, Misses Iva Lee and Frances Moon, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Strait; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Schneider, Mrs. Mary Easter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Honeycutt, Miss Hattie Honeycutt, Mrs. Jack Grammar, Mart; Mrs. W. R. Sparks, Rawls Sparks, Mrs. G. C. Lown, Thornton;
Mrs. R. L. Stokes, Winters; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bonner, Mart; Melvin Erskine, Bryan.
Pall bearers were J. C. Holloway, Tom Bresenham, Jim Holt, Ben Freeman, Marlin; Newt Bryson, Mart; Jess Turner, Copperas Cove; O. L. McKinley, Odds; R. O. Jacobs, Rising Star.
Marlin, Texas
Tuesday, November 13, 1934
Well Known Resident of Marlin Claimed by Death
Deceased Long Identified With Development of This Section of Texas
T. L. (“Whit”) Criswell, well known resident of Marlin, died at his home, 223 Craik street, at 7:20 o’clock Tuesday morning.
Deceased was a member of a family long identified with the development of this section of Texas.
Mr. Criswell’s last illness was of about two weeks’ duration, his condition becoming acute Monday.
Funeral services were announced for two p.m. Wednesday at the First Baptist church of Marlin with last rites in charge of Rev. S. D. Dollahite, the pastor and Rev. I. H. Willingham, Baptist minister and a friend of 67 years. Burial will be in the Criswell cemetery.
Pall bearers are Ed McCauley, Cleburne; Leonard Thomas, Alice; Jess Turner, Copperas Cove; O. L. McKinley, Odds; J. C. Holloway and Ben Freeman, Marlin.
Thomas Leroy Criswell was born January 18, 1864, in the Criswell community of Falls county, in which vicinity he lived practically his entire life until 1916 when he moved to Marlin. He joined the Baptist church at Odds in 1908.
A son of the late William and Polly Ann Evans Criswell, deceased was the last of a family of 13 children.
He was engaged in farming and stock raising pursuits over a long period of years and through his enterprise and energy had attained a position of leadership in these industries. Of quiet demeanor and kindly bearing, he had gained and held the esteem of many friends.
In 1889, he was married to Mary Catherine Durham. To this union were born 10 children, seven of whom survive, five daughters and two sons. They are Mrs. Clinton Erskine of Odds, Mrs. Wyatt Jacobs of Cisco, Mrs. Jay Saxon of McClanahan; Misses Myrtle and Mary Louise Criswell of Marlin; Ellsberry Criswell of Odds and Marcus Criswell of Marlin.
The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas
Wednesday, November 14, 1934
Funeral Services Held for Resident of Marlin
Last Rites Conducted at Baptist Church With Burial in Criswell Cemetery
Funeral services for T. L. Criswell, who died at his home in Marlin early Tuesday, were held at two p.m. Wednesday.
Last rites were conducted at the First Baptist Church of Marlin by Rev. S. D. Dollahite, the pastor, and Rev. I. H. Willingham, Falls county Baptist missionary. Burial was in Criswell cemetery.
Relatives and friends from a wide area assembled in Marlin on learning of the death of Mr. Criswell, to look for the last time on the face of their friend whom many had known from early childhood.
The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas
Thursday, November 15, 1934
Funeral Attended by Many From Out of Town
Many out of town relatives and friends attended funeral services Wednesday afternoon for T. L. Criswell who died at his home in Marlin Tuesday. Those here for the last rites included:
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Durham, Mrs. S. J. Boyd, Mrs. J. P. Durham, Dallas; Mrs. Ida Berry, Terrell; Mrs. J. D. Swicord, Evant; Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Jacobs, Marian Jacobs, Cisco; Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Jacobs, Rising Star; Bill Chisum, Whitesboro; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Turner, Copperas Cove; Mrs. Gladys Etter, Mr. and Mrs. Marreo Cross, Waco; Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Moon, Misses Iva Lee and Frances Moon, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Strait; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Schneider, Mrs. Mary Easter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Honeycutt, Miss Hattie Honeycutt, Mrs. Jack Grammar, Mart; Mrs. W. R. Sparks, Rawls Sparks, Mrs. G. C. Lown, Thornton;
Mrs. R. L. Stokes, Winters; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bonner, Mart; Melvin Erskine, Bryan.
Pall bearers were J. C. Holloway, Tom Bresenham, Jim Holt, Ben Freeman, Marlin; Newt Bryson, Mart; Jess Turner, Copperas Cove; O. L. McKinley, Odds; R. O. Jacobs, Rising Star.