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Mart Daily Herald
Mart, Texas
Thursday, December 6, 1934
Rev. Isaac Willingham of Marlin, old friend of the family, was among the relatives assembling at Mart this morning from Marlin, Dallas and other points, pending the funeral of W. J. Durham. Because of the critical illness of Mrs. Durham’s mother, Mrs. Geo. Brown, in the Durham home, the body will lie in state in a room of the E. P. Littlepage home next door until the arrival of the two sons coming from Colorado. If they arrive in time, the funeral will be held Friday afternoon, otherwise not before Saturday morning.
W. J. Durham, Veteran Mart Fireman, Answers Final Call
The death of W. J. Durham occurred at the family residence, 207 North Pearl street, Mart, at about 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 5, 1934.
His prompt response to the call of the grim reaper was in keeping with the promptness of this veteran Mart firefighter to respond to the call of the fire alarm during the past quarter of a century as a member of the Mart Volunteer Fire department. After doing his usual chores of the morning, while seated at table for the noon lunch, a stroke of paralysis, affecting his brain and his entire right side, sent him to bed.
His faithful wife at once summoned the family physician and loyal friend, Dr. M. L. Langford, who found the apoplectic stroke a fatal one, and saw that everything possible was done to revive the patient, but he never regained consciousness. The end came peacefully with the close of the day.
Wm. Johnson Durham was born in Alabama July 3, 1868. He was brought to Texas when a small child by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Durham, and spent his life in central Texas, living in the communities of Odds, Thornton and Mart. The earlier years were spent at farming and stock raising. He also served as peace officer and deputy tax assessor at times, doing efficiently whatever he undertook.
He moved to Mart with his family in 1907, while the town was young, and has been a loyal, faithful citizen during the years of growth and varied experiences.
An outstanding service he rendered the community was as a member of the volunteer fire department. For years he was fire chief, and not once did he shirk duty, but gave of his time and energies in serving others by fighting the fire demon and urging fire prevention.
Having to slow up in recent years by reason of his age, he was made city fire marshal, and continued faithful to his responsibilities to the end of his earthly career.
He was a Christian gentleman, a loyal member of the Baptist church and stood for the upholding of law and order.
In addition to his faithful wife, deceased is survived by four children: Mrs. E. M. Moon, Mart; Mrs. Gladys Etter, Waco; Ellis Durham, Denver, Colo., and Ed Earl Durham, Florence, Colo.; also two brothers, Joe S. Durham of Dallas and Green Durham of Marlin, and four sisters: Mrs. T. L. Criswell, Marlin; Mrs. J. D. Swicord, Evant; Mrs. S. J. Boyd, Dallas, and Mrs. Ida Berry, Terrell, and eight grandchildren, all of whom have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their bereavement.
Funeral service was postponed to Friday afternoon or Saturday morning awaiting the arrival of the sons from Colorado.
The body will lie in state at the Littlepage home next door to the Durham home until the sons arrive. This arrangement was made because of the critical illness of Mrs. Durham’s mother in the Durham home.
Mart Daily Herald
Mart, Texas
Friday, December 7, 1934
Funeral of W. J. Durham Set For Saturday Morning
Announcement is authorized that the funeral of W. J. Durham, Mart citizen who died Wednesday evening, is set for ten o’clock Saturday morning at the Mart Methodist church. It is to be conducted by Pastor A. C. Donath assisted by other local pastors. Interment Criswell cemetery, the old burying ground of the family, near Odds, Texas.
The two sons, Ellis and Ed Earl Durham, are due to arrive in Mart today from Colorado.
The body will be taken to the church at 9 o’clock Saturday morning, to lie in state until the hour of the funeral.
Active pall bearers are six nephews: Turner Criswell and Marcus Criswell of Marlin; Elsberry Criswell of Odds, Jack Durham and Tom Durham, Criswell community, and Marrero Cross, Waco.
Honorary pall bearers: Members of the Mart Volunteer Fire department and all friends of the family.
Mart Daily Herald
Mart, Texas
Saturday, December 8, 1934
Funeral of W. J. Durham Held Saturday Morning
According to plans announced Friday, the funeral of W. J. Durham, long time citizen of Mart who died early Wednesday evening was held at 10 o’clock Saturday morning at the Methodist church.
The body was held at a room in the neighboring home of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Littlepage, owing to the critical illness of Mrs. Geo. Brown, mother of Mrs. Durham, in the Durham home.
The funeral was delayed pending the arrival of the two sons from Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Durham arrived Friday morning, but Ed Earl Durham and wife did not reach Mart until after midnight Friday night. In the meantime, the neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Durham, both of whom through the years have been serving others unstintingly, made use of the opportunity to reciprocate the courtesies in their favor.
An impressive service held at the Methodist church was conducted by the pastor of deceased, Rev. A. C. Donath, assisted by Revs. T. E. Bowman, Charles Malloy and Isaac Willingham. The latter, an old friend of the family, spoke feelingly of his intimate fellowship and knowledge of their lives and of deceased. The tributes and the flowers were splendid and beautiful.
Following the service, interment was made in Criswell cemetery, the old family burying ground. E. P. Littlepage, Mart funeral director, was in charge of arrangements.
Active pall bearers were six nephews: Turner Criswell and Marcus Criswell of Marlin; Elsberry Criswell of Odds, Jack Durham and Tom Durham, Criswell community, and Marrero Cross, Waco.
Honorary pall bearers: Members of the Mart Volunteer Fire department and all friends of the family.
Mart, Texas
Thursday, December 6, 1934
Rev. Isaac Willingham of Marlin, old friend of the family, was among the relatives assembling at Mart this morning from Marlin, Dallas and other points, pending the funeral of W. J. Durham. Because of the critical illness of Mrs. Durham’s mother, Mrs. Geo. Brown, in the Durham home, the body will lie in state in a room of the E. P. Littlepage home next door until the arrival of the two sons coming from Colorado. If they arrive in time, the funeral will be held Friday afternoon, otherwise not before Saturday morning.
W. J. Durham, Veteran Mart Fireman, Answers Final Call
The death of W. J. Durham occurred at the family residence, 207 North Pearl street, Mart, at about 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 5, 1934.
His prompt response to the call of the grim reaper was in keeping with the promptness of this veteran Mart firefighter to respond to the call of the fire alarm during the past quarter of a century as a member of the Mart Volunteer Fire department. After doing his usual chores of the morning, while seated at table for the noon lunch, a stroke of paralysis, affecting his brain and his entire right side, sent him to bed.
His faithful wife at once summoned the family physician and loyal friend, Dr. M. L. Langford, who found the apoplectic stroke a fatal one, and saw that everything possible was done to revive the patient, but he never regained consciousness. The end came peacefully with the close of the day.
Wm. Johnson Durham was born in Alabama July 3, 1868. He was brought to Texas when a small child by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Durham, and spent his life in central Texas, living in the communities of Odds, Thornton and Mart. The earlier years were spent at farming and stock raising. He also served as peace officer and deputy tax assessor at times, doing efficiently whatever he undertook.
He moved to Mart with his family in 1907, while the town was young, and has been a loyal, faithful citizen during the years of growth and varied experiences.
An outstanding service he rendered the community was as a member of the volunteer fire department. For years he was fire chief, and not once did he shirk duty, but gave of his time and energies in serving others by fighting the fire demon and urging fire prevention.
Having to slow up in recent years by reason of his age, he was made city fire marshal, and continued faithful to his responsibilities to the end of his earthly career.
He was a Christian gentleman, a loyal member of the Baptist church and stood for the upholding of law and order.
In addition to his faithful wife, deceased is survived by four children: Mrs. E. M. Moon, Mart; Mrs. Gladys Etter, Waco; Ellis Durham, Denver, Colo., and Ed Earl Durham, Florence, Colo.; also two brothers, Joe S. Durham of Dallas and Green Durham of Marlin, and four sisters: Mrs. T. L. Criswell, Marlin; Mrs. J. D. Swicord, Evant; Mrs. S. J. Boyd, Dallas, and Mrs. Ida Berry, Terrell, and eight grandchildren, all of whom have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their bereavement.
Funeral service was postponed to Friday afternoon or Saturday morning awaiting the arrival of the sons from Colorado.
The body will lie in state at the Littlepage home next door to the Durham home until the sons arrive. This arrangement was made because of the critical illness of Mrs. Durham’s mother in the Durham home.
Mart Daily Herald
Mart, Texas
Friday, December 7, 1934
Funeral of W. J. Durham Set For Saturday Morning
Announcement is authorized that the funeral of W. J. Durham, Mart citizen who died Wednesday evening, is set for ten o’clock Saturday morning at the Mart Methodist church. It is to be conducted by Pastor A. C. Donath assisted by other local pastors. Interment Criswell cemetery, the old burying ground of the family, near Odds, Texas.
The two sons, Ellis and Ed Earl Durham, are due to arrive in Mart today from Colorado.
The body will be taken to the church at 9 o’clock Saturday morning, to lie in state until the hour of the funeral.
Active pall bearers are six nephews: Turner Criswell and Marcus Criswell of Marlin; Elsberry Criswell of Odds, Jack Durham and Tom Durham, Criswell community, and Marrero Cross, Waco.
Honorary pall bearers: Members of the Mart Volunteer Fire department and all friends of the family.
Mart Daily Herald
Mart, Texas
Saturday, December 8, 1934
Funeral of W. J. Durham Held Saturday Morning
According to plans announced Friday, the funeral of W. J. Durham, long time citizen of Mart who died early Wednesday evening was held at 10 o’clock Saturday morning at the Methodist church.
The body was held at a room in the neighboring home of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Littlepage, owing to the critical illness of Mrs. Geo. Brown, mother of Mrs. Durham, in the Durham home.
The funeral was delayed pending the arrival of the two sons from Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Durham arrived Friday morning, but Ed Earl Durham and wife did not reach Mart until after midnight Friday night. In the meantime, the neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Durham, both of whom through the years have been serving others unstintingly, made use of the opportunity to reciprocate the courtesies in their favor.
An impressive service held at the Methodist church was conducted by the pastor of deceased, Rev. A. C. Donath, assisted by Revs. T. E. Bowman, Charles Malloy and Isaac Willingham. The latter, an old friend of the family, spoke feelingly of his intimate fellowship and knowledge of their lives and of deceased. The tributes and the flowers were splendid and beautiful.
Following the service, interment was made in Criswell cemetery, the old family burying ground. E. P. Littlepage, Mart funeral director, was in charge of arrangements.
Active pall bearers were six nephews: Turner Criswell and Marcus Criswell of Marlin; Elsberry Criswell of Odds, Jack Durham and Tom Durham, Criswell community, and Marrero Cross, Waco.
Honorary pall bearers: Members of the Mart Volunteer Fire department and all friends of the family.