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Criswell School Photo
about 1919-1920
Photo owned by Melba Broxton Dodson
1st row left to right: (1) G.B. "Tumpsey" Stone, (2) Fred Broxton, (3) W.N. "Doodlebug" Stone,
(8) Alva Broxton
2nd row left to right: (2) James Elmer "Spot" Stone, (4) Gertrude Bowers (Stone)
Teacher: Mary Hammrick (sp)
about 1919-1920
Photo owned by Melba Broxton Dodson
1st row left to right: (1) G.B. "Tumpsey" Stone, (2) Fred Broxton, (3) W.N. "Doodlebug" Stone,
(8) Alva Broxton
2nd row left to right: (2) James Elmer "Spot" Stone, (4) Gertrude Bowers (Stone)
Teacher: Mary Hammrick (sp)