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Note: The tombstone has the death date of 1902. The Texas Death Index, certificate 26147, lists his death date as Feb. 12, 1905. The Marlin newspaper also has it as 1905.--bf
The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas
Tuesday, February 14, 1905
To The Democrat: -- After a few days intermission from a severe spell of cold weather, we are again visited with almost a record breaker. At half past eleven o’clock Saturday night the thermometer was 42, which was about the hour that the blizzard struck this place, and within two hours it had fell 15 degrees. At daylight it stood at 12 above and ranged from 12 to 15 all day. Monday morning at this place it was five above zero. This is the coldest weather that we have had in this section since Feb. ‘99, when we had just about such a spell as this.
Cattle are suffering very much in consequence of the cold weather and a great many have died. Mrs. M. C. Watters has lost about 25 head, J. A. Gill lost several; also C. O. Leuschner.
We are very sorry to note the death of Monroe Cooper, who died at his home Saturday night of pneumonia. Mr. Cooper was one of the best citizens of this neighborhood and will be greatly missed by all who knew him.
Mrs. T. J. Adams is on the sick list this week; also Hubert Marze and child.
C. O. Lueschner and little boy went to Marlin Saturday.
J. H. Robertson, of Marlin, visited his wife and granddaughter, Miss Hunnicutt, this week.
Rev. J. P. Boone came down Saturday to fill his regular appointment, but owning to the bad weather there was no service.
M. U. Canterbury spent a day or two in Marlin this week.