The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas
Friday, May 14, 1909
Criswell Items
To The Democrat:
We are having some fine weather for farming. Most farmers are chopping cotton. Some are about through.
Health in this community is very good. No sickness to amount to anything.
Our school was out Friday. We had a nice little picnic.
Miss Mattie Boyd will soon return to her new home out west. We are hoping she will like it fine.
The party at Tan Rodgers Saturday night was well attended.
Grady Blakely and sister, Pauline, attended prayer meeting at Little Elm Sunday night.
M. E. Berry and family attended meeting at Odds Sunday evening.
There was a meeting at Criswell Sunday, conducted by Bro. Soders.
Miss Josie Johnson visited Miss Lacy Wolf and sister Sunday.
Sam Shelton of Groesbeck was in our community Saturday and Sunday.
W. D. Christie and wife of Ben-Hur visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Blakely, Saturday
and Sunday.
There was a large crowd attended the singing convention at Oklahoma Sunday.
Arthur Clymer and wife and sister, Lizzie, visited their sister, Mrs. Emma Blakely Saturday.
Albert Wolf and sister, Miss Emma, and Miss Lucy Coddell attended prayer meeting at Little Elm
Sunday night.
D. C. Blakely and wife visited her father, J. M. Clymer, at Science hall Sunday.
Miss Ola Curlee visited Miss Pauline Blakely Saturday evening.
With many wishes to the dear old Democrat.
Rag Doll.