Mart Daily Herald
January 30, 1941
Criswell News
Mrs. Commar (Caddell) Densman’s baby is very ill with measles.
The school children went to the “Career day” at Marlin last Friday. All enjoyed the interesting talks.
Miss Hightower went to Hope last week-end.
Juanita Wolfe is spending a few days in Dallas.
Mrs. W. O. Easter has been in bed with an infected ear and jaw, but is much better now.
Claude Downes was in Marlin last Tuesday on business.
Mrs. Oscar Gresham was called to the bedside of her grandchild who is in the hospital at Marlin.
The school welcomes Bubbo Crook who has enrolled in our school.
We are starting our second term of school and are glad to get rid of the mid-term exams.
Billy Aaron Stone visited Big Hill school Friday.
Mary Opal Stone spent the night Thursday with Mary Esther Easter.
Miss Hightower spent the week-end with her parents in Kosse.
January 30, 1941
Criswell News
Mrs. Commar (Caddell) Densman’s baby is very ill with measles.
The school children went to the “Career day” at Marlin last Friday. All enjoyed the interesting talks.
Miss Hightower went to Hope last week-end.
Juanita Wolfe is spending a few days in Dallas.
Mrs. W. O. Easter has been in bed with an infected ear and jaw, but is much better now.
Claude Downes was in Marlin last Tuesday on business.
Mrs. Oscar Gresham was called to the bedside of her grandchild who is in the hospital at Marlin.
The school welcomes Bubbo Crook who has enrolled in our school.
We are starting our second term of school and are glad to get rid of the mid-term exams.
Billy Aaron Stone visited Big Hill school Friday.
Mary Opal Stone spent the night Thursday with Mary Esther Easter.
Miss Hightower spent the week-end with her parents in Kosse.