The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas
Tuesday, January 26, 1909
County School Notes
By A. W. E.
Criswell school has added a new cistern to the comfort of the school, and put in a bountiful supply of wood. Miss Mattie Boyde is teaching her second term and making her usual good progress. The order, neatness, and good spirit of the room is fine, each pupil striving to do his very best.
Marlin, Texas
Tuesday, January 26, 1909
County School Notes
By A. W. E.
Criswell school has added a new cistern to the comfort of the school, and put in a bountiful supply of wood. Miss Mattie Boyde is teaching her second term and making her usual good progress. The order, neatness, and good spirit of the room is fine, each pupil striving to do his very best.